NIC works all over the world with pre-shipment inspection as follows :
- load/discharge supervision.
- Post landing surveying.
- Sampling.
- Testing.
- Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP).
- analyses and food safety programs.
- GMO sampling.
- on-site grading and traceability certification of agricultural products and food stuffs.
Through the presence at most international ports, industrial and transit centers, NIC strives to ensure that all goods inspected by us comply fully with the commercial specifications agreed between the contracting parties.
NIC complies with the GAFTA codes of practices as well as the Libyan and International requirements as to independence and neutrality, and no trading or silo companies are in anyway involved financially and/or managerial in NIC thus the GAFTA code of interrelated companies in trading transactions can never apply.
NIC inspectors worldwide are recognized by the respective countries ‘authorities to carry out their work in accordance with the relevant standards. We inspect all types of grains, seeds and rice traded and transported between ports or factories for either human or animal consumption. The products include cereal products, oilseeds,Yellow-corn and by-products etc.
Usually the work involves inspection of:
- Loading, discharge, warehousing and transit movements.
- Quantity and quality control.
- Sampling and analyses in accordance with contractually stipulated specifications, rules and/or regulations.
- Hatch cleanliness inspection - Inspection for grain tightness - Wagon inspections.
- Full Outturn Guarantees for quantity and quality and other special services with or without marine insurance cover. - In many countries, fumigation of ships, cargoes and stores is an absolute necessity and therefore we can also offer fumigation services in such places.
Documentation requirements can include GMO certification, ecological survey certification, phytosanitary certification, ventilation control, private and unofficial.
Quality reporting and requirements for planning and execution. Verification of the age and flag of vessels is often required, as well as hatch sealing, cargo separations, pro rata adjustments and certification.
Charter and owner protection, P&I surveys, on and offshore surveys, tally and bagging operations.
The inspection activities comprise different liquids of agricultural origin in bulk or drums. Of course we can also offer Full Outturn Guarantees both with and without marine insurance cover, quality guarantees and other services in connection with the actual movement of oils, fats and liquids.
NIC inspects different liquids of agricultural origin in bulk or drums :
- Vegetable and animal oils.
- Vegetable and animal fats.
Our services normally comprise the following elements :
- Weighing supervision, draft surveys, tank ullaging.
- Tank cleanliness survey, vessel’s history checking.
- Supervision of loading and discharge.
- Quantitative and qualitative inspection/sampling.
- Tank cleanliness inspections and draft surveys.
- Tank calibrations.
Tea, Coffee and Sugar are usually very high value commodities which are traded globally under quite specific contractual conditions which often require the involvement of an experienced inspection company like NIC We offer the following services to our clients :
- Weighing inspection supervision, - Tally, - Tran-shipment control.
- Sampling at loading and/or discharge, - Quality control, - Testing.
- Control and verification of the packaging and marking of the goods, checking of bags, tare and condition, ventilation and temperature verification.
- Control and verification of the packaging and marking of the goods, checking of bags, tare and condition, ventilation and temperature verification.